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Conforming to the Sunnah is better than an abundance of actions
Everything which leads to hatred and enmity is prohibited
If you’re not with us you’re against us
Oppressing the non-Muslims
Six conditions for a righteous action to conform to the Sharee’ah
Supplicating for people of falsehood instead of against them
Whenever you fulfil needs of your brother, Allaah will fulfil yours
Weakness in ones ‘Eemaan; causes and cures
Not to attach al-Walaa wal-Baraa to people
How one should feel when performing a righteous act
The criterion for boycotting
Ibn al-Qayyim on following someone who sets up his own principles
Types of fisq
This life
Enmity, hatred, hostility, contention fanaticism for falsehood
Hating the sin and not the person
Advice concerning youth confronting each other
People are excessive extremists, excessively ...
It is not permissible to flatter the Soofees and call it Da’wah!
Keep your bid’ah and your money!
Rights of Allaah’s Messenger
Preserving the Usool
Unity upon what?
Blocking the routes
The conditions for an action to be correct
The conditions for an action to be correct – condition 1
The conditions for an action to be correct – condition 2
The conditions for an action to be correct – condition 3
Moderation in the religion
Everyone participating in politics
The conditions for an action to be correct – condition 4
The conditions for an action to be correct – condition 5
The conditions for an action to be correct – condition 6
The method of speaking to someone can vary from one person ...
Shaykh calls someone an innovator, is student to follow