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How does a father teach his children Tawheed?
And live with them in kindness
Getting married with the intention of divorce
Performing optional Prayers at home
Ruling of woman winding hair at top of her head
Women whose periods finish at the end of the night and fasting
Do I have to tell my first wife I’m getting married again?
Can child with extra finger have it amputated?
False eyelashes
How should a woman dress in front of other women?
If a woman did not have a husband from this world with her in paradise
Multiple piercings in one ear
Women wearing tight clothes
Women growing long nails
Marrying second wife to compete with others
Better for sisters to pray taraaweeh at home or in masjid?
The honeymoon should be continuous
Who has more right to be spent upon, wife or mother?
Wearing engagement rings
Will the spouses reunite in Paradise?
Advice to husbands who threaten wives with divorce when angry
Wedding pictures
Satellite dishes in homes
Shaving the beard
Can two friends sleep in same bed together?
Spanking children for other than prayer
Is Du’aa made before intercourse if wife already pregnant?
Woman serving her husband
Favouring some children over others
Woe to every unjust husband
Does use of ultrasound to determine gender negate Allaah’s ...
Performing Hajj on behalf of deceased parents